Monday, March 12, 2018

My Sweet Emersyn Leigh

Emersyn Leigh-

Rule follower from the very beginning- born on her exact due date... how can she possibly be FIVE today.

She was the baby that didn't need child proofing, the timid toddler that didn't walk till 16 months, and now the little girl that melts my heart on the daily.  She is a rule follower- almost to a fault.
At her birthday breakfast she asked if the cinnamon roll on her plate was healthy- because if it wasn't then she would eat it last since it is more of a treat.

She is always wanting to please those around her.  After her birthday party, she asked how she did with her manners and if I thought she was polite and kind to all her friends- YES my sweet girl!!!!!

'Let's just chat' she will often say- this is normally in the car or at bedtime.  It is within these chats that I see her growing, worrying, learning, and becoming her own little person.  She will ask simple questions- like how words are spelled, or how something works in the world and then she will ask the hard questions- ones that deal with Heaven and faith.  I listen and answer the best I can-  trying to see how her little brain is working.

The other night she expressed that she didn't want grandma to have white hair- when I asked why- she explained it was because white hair meant you were close to going to Heaven and she didn't want to be without grandma.

She is timid in new settings, especially when she doesn't know the expectations or rules set for her.  However, when she does feel comfortable the joy and silliness spills out.  Her all time favorite thing to do is ACT.  We spend countless hours role playing every single movie or show- she is always the princess or queen and I am always the villain.  There have been days where I plead to just be mommy for a minute- but I always end up as Ursula the Sea Witch or Mother Gothel.

She is my teacher....
In the morning, if we are having a rough start (normally a clothing battle) and we are getting frustrated and beginning to yell- she will stop and say, "Let's just hug and start over."

"Mom could you move Rowyn from that sharp corner, it's just making me nervous."  These are the phrases I hear from her about her little sister.  She is Rowyn's keeper, her guardian.  I over hear her saying, "No, no sweetie don't touch that."  "Come on darling let's play." "Oh honey, what's wrong?"  She is so caring and thoughtful and simply put- exactly what I always knew she would be as a sister.

There are days we are having the deepest of conversations when I want to cry because she seems so old....
then she asks , "Mama, could you please do me a favorite?" - she means, a favor.  I don't want to correct her because I selfishly love those small glimpses that remind me she is still my sweet little girl and every day is a true blessing.

So as she said her prayers tonight, adding at the very end "Oh and God, thank you for letting me turn five."  I echo that thankfulness.  Thank you Lord, for five healthy and happy years with this little girl- thank you for allowing me to be her mama and guide me in all the years to come- may I not fail her, as she deserves the best.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Top 3 Health/Wellness Buys of 2017

I am always on the look out for healthy items to add to my daily/weekly routine.  I look at blogs, YouTube videos, instagram accounts, and local health stores for items that would be worth buying and using regularly.
This year I have found 3 items that I use just about DAILY and plan to purchase OVER AND OVER!!  So I had to share!!!

#1 Kodiak Protein Pancake Mix
I think I first heard about these from a blogger.  I can't even remember.  I have been making my own healthy pancakes for years using protein powder, banana, oats, etc., but I am the only one in house that will eat them.  So I thought these might just be something I could make for everyone.  I was skeptical- because let's face it lots of 'healthy' products just aren't that great tasting.  I bought a package, which I found at our local Kroger, and made some pancakes for Emersyn... wait for reaction...
"Mom, these are better than the restaurant we go to!"
I tasted them myself and holy cow they ARE actually good!!!  So let's chat facts and why they are so darn healthy.
You can make 4 small pancakes or 1 large waffle for only 190 calories, ONLY 2g of fat, 30 carbs, 5g fiber, and a whopping 14g of PROTEIN!!!  Can you even believe that!!!??
I normally can not have whey protein at all- but this is made of a protein blend and I have found that my stomach can handle this just fine! Yipppee!
So after finding this amazing product- I went out told my mom, sister, sister in law, brother in law, shit everyone I could :) and they all now use it!! So now I'm telling you all!! This is worth a try!

We use this mix a few times a week.  I make both girls pancakes on Friday mornings when Eme has no school.  Emersyn doesn't like syrup (not sure what's wrong with her) so I drop a few dark chocolate chips into hers and Rowyn just eats them plain.  I love making mine into a waffle and adding peanut butter and fresh fruit.
We love breakfast for dinner at our house so this is a perfect addition with our omelets.  Simple healthy meal!!!

You can use the mix for pancakes, muffins, waffles- the list goes on!!!  okay I could go on and on about how much I love this stuff but onward...

Product # 2 BCAAs
Back in March, I started a program to help lose my baby weight and on that program we were instructed to drink BCAAs.  Of course I had no clue what this was or why I was drinking it at the beginning, but I quickly felt a difference in my body.  So naturally, I shared with the hubby, we became a bit more educated on the benefits, and now we both drink this DAILY!!

Do your own in-depth research if you are interested in learning more facts- I'm going to keep this super simple because I am NO EXPERT!

What does BCAA stand for?
Branch Chain Amino Acids

What do they do for our bodies? 
 Saves Muscle while burning Fat
 Suppresses Appetite
 Gives you Energy
 Reduces Belly Fat
 Boosts Immunity
 Reduces Muscle Soreness

for more detailed information on each of these visit this super helpful website

Okay- so YES PLEASE to all of those benefits.  I workout in the mornings, and I do so on a fasted stomach.  Gasp- I know!!! How do I have the energy to workout with no breakfast?! Easy, my body is use to it now.  I wake up, drink a cup of coffee, take my BCAAs in a water bottle with me to the gym and drink during workout.  It gives me energy to power through all types of workouts (lifting, HIIT, cardio, etc.)  Then I will drink another half serving throughout the day at some point with about 20oz of water in my YETI.   For my husband, it has helped with cutting out soda.  He will drink a large cup of water with BCAAs every morning and at night!

We buy ours off Amazon because you can select from lots of flavors but in a pinch I have purchase from Kroger.  I'm telling you I drink it daily and can tell a difference on days I don't.

Product #3 Collagen Peptides
What the what??  That's what I was thinking when this dang product kept popping up in ALL my health instagram feeds.  So I had to do some research to see what all the fuss was about.  Let's just say I liked what I learned... 

Sleep quality: Better cognitive function, a sounder sleep cycle and and less daytime drowsiness according to clinical studies shown here
Bone & joint health: Glycine speeds up wound healing and helps loosen up stiff joints
Weight loss: For every 2 scoops of collagen, you will ingest about 18 grams of protein. Try adding a few scoops to your morning coffee or drink to feel more satiated
Digestive aid: Aids in soothing and healing the digestive tract, as well as helping to repair the mucous lining. In addition, collagen helps to digest the protein and fat found in food, which leads to the body being able to digest them more easily!
Skin health: Ensures elasticity and regeneration of the skin. The amino acids that are found in collagen have been linked to anti-aging. A study in 2014 showed that women who took collagen peptides regularly for eight weeks saw a 20% reduction in wrinkle
Above info and more in-depth information can be found at the following website:
I personally add 1 scoop of collagen to my morning coffee and 1 scoop to my afternoon match or green tea!  It really helps curb my appetite! 
OKAY!!! There you have it- MY TOP 3 MUST HAVES FOR 2017!!!
I would love to hear what your 'health' items are that you can't live without! I am always on the hunt for a good protein powder that doesn't leave me bloated, and I am really looking for the right supplements/vitamins right now for my body.
Here's to our healthiest year of all!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

New Year Resolutions

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I have the resolution to get back to blogging! Why? Because I enjoy it and want to make time for it again!! I would love to hear from you all in the comments about what you would like to see more of on the blog.... kids, decorating, house, health, food, workouts, fashion...

Right now I have resolutions on the brain:

I think health/wellness is an area that is most likely on every resolution list in some shape or form.  I know it is certainly on mine and in more than one way.
I have struggled with stomach issues for as long as I can remember.  I've seen many doctors, gone through many tests, and tried many different 'diets'.  Have I found the exact answer to all my gut problems? No.  The gut is a tricky thing.  So for me, this new year will be about selecting foods to fuel me and make me FEEL good.  It is not about a diet that will help lose fast weight- we all know those don't last.  So it is planning meals and snacks that are based around REAL foods.  And taking the right supplements to support my gut.
So resolution #1- CLEAN eating 90% of the time!!! TRACK meals in My Fitness Pal App to stay accountable.
On top of eating clean, I plan to stick with my intermittent fasting at least 5 days a week.  I can share more on intermittent fasting later if there is an interest in this! I love it and how it makes me feel.

Resolution #2- WORKOUT!! This one is actually easy for me.  I really enjoy working out!  The feeling of getting in a good sweat is simply necessary for me!  So my goals are more specific than just to workout.  I am looking for programs or guides that keep me accountable and motivated.  I plan to follow these guides throughout the year.  (Right now I am doing a 4 week- macro guided cut)
My goals are not weight based but strength based. ex. 25 regular push ups- 5 pull ups -etc.- these numbers might change as the year goes?!

Resolution #3- take care of my GUT!!  That may sound strange but gut health, I have learned, can be the cause for so many other health related issues.  With such stomach issues, I am making it a priority to find supplements/vitamins that can help stay healthy.

I would love to hear from you all!!! what are your health and wellness goals??  what would you like to hear more about- recipes/daily eating, intermittent fasting, workout plans, macro counting, etc.?

Tell me your favorites!! your fav recipes, workouts, programs to follow, supplements you love, etc.

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