Wednesday, January 3, 2018

New Year Resolutions

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I have the resolution to get back to blogging! Why? Because I enjoy it and want to make time for it again!! I would love to hear from you all in the comments about what you would like to see more of on the blog.... kids, decorating, house, health, food, workouts, fashion...

Right now I have resolutions on the brain:

I think health/wellness is an area that is most likely on every resolution list in some shape or form.  I know it is certainly on mine and in more than one way.
I have struggled with stomach issues for as long as I can remember.  I've seen many doctors, gone through many tests, and tried many different 'diets'.  Have I found the exact answer to all my gut problems? No.  The gut is a tricky thing.  So for me, this new year will be about selecting foods to fuel me and make me FEEL good.  It is not about a diet that will help lose fast weight- we all know those don't last.  So it is planning meals and snacks that are based around REAL foods.  And taking the right supplements to support my gut.
So resolution #1- CLEAN eating 90% of the time!!! TRACK meals in My Fitness Pal App to stay accountable.
On top of eating clean, I plan to stick with my intermittent fasting at least 5 days a week.  I can share more on intermittent fasting later if there is an interest in this! I love it and how it makes me feel.

Resolution #2- WORKOUT!! This one is actually easy for me.  I really enjoy working out!  The feeling of getting in a good sweat is simply necessary for me!  So my goals are more specific than just to workout.  I am looking for programs or guides that keep me accountable and motivated.  I plan to follow these guides throughout the year.  (Right now I am doing a 4 week- macro guided cut)
My goals are not weight based but strength based. ex. 25 regular push ups- 5 pull ups -etc.- these numbers might change as the year goes?!

Resolution #3- take care of my GUT!!  That may sound strange but gut health, I have learned, can be the cause for so many other health related issues.  With such stomach issues, I am making it a priority to find supplements/vitamins that can help stay healthy.

I would love to hear from you all!!! what are your health and wellness goals??  what would you like to hear more about- recipes/daily eating, intermittent fasting, workout plans, macro counting, etc.?

Tell me your favorites!! your fav recipes, workouts, programs to follow, supplements you love, etc.

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