Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday Favorite: A New Workout

Honestly, I use to enjoy working out pre-Emersyn.  I always feel better when I am working out and in a routine.  I have never been a gym person though- I really don't like all the people.  I have always just done videos in my basement.  Even during pregnancy I got my workouts in- less often but regularly.  I used the Tracy Anderson Pregnancy Project (a series of videos for each month).
Then came Emersyn... and my workout routine pretty much came to a screeching halt!  Not only was there not time for workouts but I lacked the energy or desire.  Luckily Eme was a spring baby, so I got out and walked everyday.  During the summer, I walked about 4 miles with Emersyn each morning.  For me this was enough to call a workout and not worry about videos.  I would toss in a squat, lunge, or sit up here or there but that's it.
Finally, after about 11 months I decided to try to get back to it.  Wow, getting back into a routine is HARD!  I found myself using every excuse possible to NOT do a video.  That is when I thought I needed to try something new.
I had heard about Pure Barre workouts from both a good friend and my sister in law.  Both girls talked about how hard it was- but hard in a good way.  That so sore you can't sit down the next day kinda hard.  That made me nervous- I hadn't worked hard at a workout in a long time.  So with my friend Kelsey by my side I took my first Pure Barre class and... OH MY!!!

It was like nothing I had ever done!!!  It is not a workout that gets your heart pumping or high intensity- it is a workout that targets the small muscles and works each to exhaustion.  In each class, you use small hand weights, a small exercise ball, arm bands, and a ballerina bar.  You follow a routine that targets ALL muscles from shoulders, arms, abs, seat (as they call your ass in class), thighs, hamstrings... am I missing something- if so you will feel it the next morning- TRUST ME!

It is 60 minutes of putting away all other thoughts and focusing on making the body you have strong.  I am HOOKED!!  The down side to this would be the price.  It is a bit expensive- but I do not pay a gym membership and they offer a teacher discount.  I have been attending only on weekend mornings.  It is something I wake up first thing and do for myself and honestly this workout is my FAVORITE right now!  I attend the Pure Barre Studio in Carmel, IN.

If I can't make a class or for some reason I find the energy after I put Emersyn to bed, some videos I love and have used for years are: P90X, Turbo Fire, Tracy Anderson, Brazilian Butt Lift (don't laugh- it's a tough one!).
So what is your go to favorite workout?  Do you have any videos to recommend?  Or can you help me get over my fear of gyms?

1 comment:

  1. A simple workout at home can build you a strong body, thanks for providing info about how to work out at home


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