Monday, May 19, 2014

A Journey to Healthy Living

I would consider myself an overall healthy person.  I attribute that lifestyle to my mom.  I can remember watching my mom at jazzercise, taking walks, and simply living an active lifestyle.  On the flip side, I also learned the art of eating crackers and sipping on diet pop as a meal during a busy day at home or shopping around town from my mom too!  At some point in college, I started having really bad stomach pains and GI issues.  Having an upset, bloated, painful stomach started to just be my way of life, my norm.  Then it got really bad a few years out of college- basically unlivable.  So I went through a series of tests to find that I had endometriosis- which was causing most of the strong pains.  After a surgery to remove scar tissue from the damage endometriosis caused, I was hopeful I would start to feel better.  Better... YES, great... NO!  I still struggle with pains and an uncomfortable stomach most days.
After having Emersyn, I found that I have lost more weight than needed and I feel pretty sluggish most days.  Before I go for more tests, I am going to try this Advocare 24 Day Cleanse.  Basically, it is a 24 day challenge of eating only CLEAN- NON PROCESSED foods- no alcohol, dairy, starchy carbs, or sugars.  Once my body is cleansed from all the toxins and clean, I will slowly start to introduce foods and consciously take note of how it makes my body feel.  With that, I hope to pin point what foods work well for me and which ones to avoid or limit.  I will be documenting my experience here on the blog with weekly recaps of what foods I ate and how I am feeling.

Let's Get Started:

1. Once I received all of my Advocare supplies (meal replacement shakes, Spark energy drinks, fiber cleanse drink, and vitamins), I immediately organized it into days.  I wanted to make sure that I remembered everything I needed for each day and could just grab a bag each morning.

2.  Then I did my meal planning.  That's the thing about eating clean- it takes planning! I sat down and planned out my snacks and meals for everyday and then created a grocery list.  I put everything into my planner and printed the Advocare check list as well.

3.  When Emersyn napped on Sunday I did my meal prep for the week.  I cooked a ton of chicken in the crock pot for salads each day and cut up all my veggies and fruits for convenient snacks.

Stick with me if you are interested in eating clean.  I will share my food pictures, daily clean meals, and overall feelings throughout the next 24 days!  Here's to living a healthy, energetic life!!

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