Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Favorite: Personalized Jewelry

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!  I thought for today's Friday Favorites I would select something that would be a great gift on this day of love or for any other occasion.  Personalized jewelry is something that I LOVE! I think it is so sentimental and can really become something that is cherished.  I love the idea of giving something personal to a friend or family member, especially to commemorate a life moment.  For example, I have been seeing lots of stacked rings show up on my Pinterest boards, where you stack your engagement ring, wedding band, and other bands to symbolize children or years of marriage.  This is something that I have done since having Emersyn.  My sister got my this amazing gold ring that says "Emersyn" in cursive.  I love how dainty and simple it is- I wear it every single day! Here are a few other great personalized rings ideas from some etsy shops.

When Emersyn was born, Ian got me a beautiful band of Emersyn's birthstone which is aquamarine.  I love wearing the birthstone band with the Emersyn ring and my wedding ring.  These personalized rings are so close to my heart- I picture passing them on to Emersyn one day.

I also really love initial necklaces!  I think they are the perfect gift for any girl of any age.  They are perfect for her own initial or that of someone special.  I treated myself to this sweet little 'E' necklace when Emersyn was born.  I have worn it everyday and it has become her since of security.  It is the necklace she grabs for every time I hold her.  If she is crying she rubs it and calms down; she even holds it as I nurse her.  It's like it reminds her that I am here to protect and love her.  My good friend Kelsey from apples and honey photography captured a sweet moment of Emersyn playing with this necklace.

Here is an Etsy shop with some cute initial necklaces.

If you go to and type in personalized jewelry, you will have so many different options to select from.  I have also been very pleased with the quality of my etsy purchases.  So do you have a personalized piece of jewelry that you love?  Remember these are great gifts for others or even a little gift to yourself!  Happy Friday!


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